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  In the pulsating heart of our community, Dr. V. Issa White emerges not just as a figure of inspiration but as a beacon of transformative change, as captured in "The News" section of our website. This section meticulously documents Dr. White's remarkable journey, underscoring pivotal moments that have not only defined her campaign but have also imprinted on the lives of those she aims to serve. From groundbreaking policy proposals that promise to reshape our educational and healthcare landscapes to empowering community outreach efforts, each article and report paints a vivid picture of a leader deeply invested in the welfare and future of her constituents. Dr. White's voice, echoed through the corridors of power and the quiet streets of our neighborhoods, resonates with a clear message of hope, inclusivity, and relentless pursuit of justice.

Amid the cacophony of today's political discourse, "The News" section stands as a testament to Dr. White's unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and genuine engagement. It is here that readers can trace her steps through detailed accounts of spirited debates, impassioned speeches, and the quiet, often unseen moments of true leadership—listening, learning, and standing shoulder to shoulder with those she seeks to represent. Through this curated collection of news pieces, Dr. White's narrative unfolds as one of courage, compassion, and an unbreakable bond with the community. As visitors scroll through stories of challenges faced and milestones achieved, they are invited to join in a movement that transcends political ambition, rooted in the shared dream of forging a brighter, more equitable future for all.



Sunday, July 14, 2024 4:03 PM

Trump Assassination Attempt: Democracy's Decline and Political Civility's Death


The assassination attempt on Donald Trump is an indication of a dying democracy and the death of political civility. The political environment sadly fosters a deep bigoted hatred that is quickly normalizing violence.

Friday, July 12, 2024 1:18 PM

Central Florida's Water Crisis: Act Now Against Climate Change


We have an environmental disaster in Central Florida District 10. 90% of our fresh drinking water supply is depleted and the 10% that is declared drinkable is severely polluted. The major culprit is climate change. Currently, the earth is experiencing unprecedented high temperatures. The time is now for us to act.

Friday, July 12, 2024 1:16 PM

Reparations Debate Silenced: Politicians Ignore 78% of African Americans


American Politicians are afraid to seriously discuss Reparations for African Americans. President Biden defiantly told members of the Congressional Black Caucus that he is against a Reparations Bill "so don't bring it up." Passively, the Black lawmakers complied. Like it or not, 78% of African Americans favor Reparations. As a topic it is not going away until a Bill is passed

Thursday, July 11, 2024 6:44 PM

Americans Struggle as Politicians Argue and a President Rambles


"I am pissed!" Americans are struggling and politicians are oblivious to this fact. Instead, they argue about partisan politics and listen to a rambling President.

Friday, June 28, 2024 3:59 PM

Local Anylasis for the debate between Donald Trump And Joe Biden


Local Anylasis for the debate between Donald Trump And Joe Biden

Monday, June 24, 2024 6:16 PM

Global Unity for Peace: Halting Conflicts in Lebanon, Sudan, and Haiti


I am the Peace Candidate/Advocate. The Congress and Senate is fixed on having a War; someplace, somewhere. Israel has stationed over 60,000 troops outside of Lebanon for an eventual invasion. The President along with both parties have disgustedly failed to stop Netanyahu. It's time for a broad base coalition that is not based on race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation that crosses national borders to stop Israel. We also must include the war in the Sudan and the Haitian crisis.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 9:10 PM

America's Hidden Agenda: The Quiet Push for a Military Draft Amidst Domestic Distractions

While most of America was debating the Trump-Biden docudrama, and getting prepared for Juneteenth celebrations your US Congress quietly passed a bipartisan $895billion military package that included a military draft measure. That is, Dem. Chrissy Houlahan reintroduced the military drafting of men between the ages of 18 to 26.

The Bill is very troubling. The US has military troops in the European Union, Israel, South Korea, Taiwan and in the neighborhood of Haiti. Several Congresspersons and Senators and in a sublime manner the President are pushing for American military intervention in the previous stated areas.

Also note, 44% of the military personal are Black and Brown people, mostly males and 52% are underclass White Americans.These are the most vulnerable and perishable of the American community. It is not an accident that the bill also called for a 19% wage increase for unlisted men.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:03 PM

Unmasking the Employment Myth: The Truth Behind Biden's 4% Jobless Rate


The Biden Administration and his surrogate, Maxwell Frost are giving a false story of the historic low employment rate of 4%. Well, look behind the numbers. That is, Biden's figures do not report people who have given up looking for a job; nor individuals who have not found work in 27 months; nor the poverty rate of working class Americans. Frost said, "numbers don't lie." That is true. But people as the Biden-Frost misrepresent the figures to plant a false narrative.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:58 PM

The Imminent Threats to Humanity: A Call for Unity and Change

Facing numerous global threats, unity and change are essential for humanity's survival. Let's build a sustainable future together.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:58 PM

The Imminent Threats to Humanity: A Call for Unity and Change

Facing numerous global threats, unity and change are essential for humanity's survival. Let's build a sustainable future together.

Friday, June 7, 2024 7:32 PM

End Congressional Ineffectiveness: Elect Leaders Who Deliver

The current US Congress is considered to be the most ineffective Congress in the History of the House of Representatives. Maxwell Frost, within the House of Unproductivity is one the least effective lawmakers. In two years he has not authored a Bill that made it to the House Floor. All of his said accomplishments have come through the President's pre-existing Executive Orders, pre-existing Congressional disbursements, and programs that were left by former Congress Lady Val Dennings. Support and donate at:
If you're interested in hosting a meet/greet and Q&A, or volunteering, please contact us or 321.320.5373.

Friday, June 7, 2024 7:26 PM

On the Brink: The Imminent US/NATO-Russia Conflict


A short commentary on the pending war between the United States/NATO and Russia.

Friday, June 7, 2024 7:20 PM

Prevent Global Catastrophe: Elect Leaders Who Prioritize Peace

The Doomsday Clock is now just 90 seconds to midnight, signaling a perilous proximity to nuclear war. Recent decisions by the President, backed by Congress, to allocate another $400 million to Ukraine and permit American missiles to target Russian territory have escalated tensions dramatically. President Putin's response threatens Central and Western Europe, invoking NATO's Article 5, which states an attack on one member is an attack on all. The stakes have never been higher, and the urgency for informed, peace-focused leadership in Congress is critical.

Friday, June 7, 2024 7:16 PM

District 10: Fighting Food Insecurity and Healthcare Inequity


We must remember that many of our neighbors in District 10 Florida face food insecurity nightly and health care issues daily. Congress is not a place for fun and games; it is a social laboratory to make the lives of Americans better.

Friday, June 7, 2024 7:11 PM

Haiti: A Nation Deserving True Freedom


Let Haitians be Free. Ever since their independence in 1802 France, the United States and other European powers have controlled the domestic and foreign policies of the Caribbean State. Dominant nations forced the economically depleted nation to pay reparations to France and to borrow money from French banks at a loan sharks interest rate.

In the 20th century the US occupied the nation and forced them into a colonial and neo-colonial relationship that denied Haiti the right for self rule. Now, the country is again occupied by American surrogate nations like Kenya, the Bahamas and Bangladesh. Haitians, Haitian Americans, and most Americans do not want our hands on Haitian affairs. They don't want or need our paternal oversight 

Saturday, June 1, 2024 9:23 PM

Fed Up and Fighting Back: Everyday Americans Demand Change Amidst Runaway Inflation


Americans are suffering from the burden of runaway inflation. People are living paycheck to paycheck and more and more Americans are paying for their groceries with credit cards. Some are "violently angry" and believe that Congress has ignored the problems of the American people. Everyday Americans are ready for a change.

Thursday, May 30, 2024 7:08 PM

Education: A Sacred Pillar of the Black Community

Education has long been a cornerstone of strength and resilience for the Black community, a testament to their enduring pursuit of knowledge against all odds. From the secret learning efforts of enslaved Blacks to the remarkable journey of Booker T. Washington, the importance of education has been paramount. However, recent events involving Representative Maxwell Frost raise serious concerns about the integrity of this value. Dive into the full article to explore the historical significance of education in the Black community and why it must never be compromised for political gain.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 8:02 PM

A Memorial Day Message from Dr. V. "Issa" White

Monday, May 27, 2024 3:26 PM

Nigeria Triumphs at Thrilling Three Mask Jollof Rice Competition, Celebrating African Cuisine and Culture


The Jollof Rice competition at Three Mask in Orlando was excellent. Africans and members of the African Diaspora showed in mass numbers. The friendly fierce competition between the Jollof Rice Giants Senegal, Nigeria and Ghana was fun and exciting. The Jollof crown went to Nigeria who barely edged out its two African rivals. Oh, yes there was a beautiful fashion show that featured African/African Diaspora styles. Yours truly became so excited that I had to drum. The musical spirit of Fela was in the house.

Monday, May 27, 2024 3:22 PM

Empowering Youth Through Discipline: Dr. V. Issa White's Commitment to El Barrio Boxing


In the midst of a long and stressful campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives Dr. V. Issa White takes the time to work with young boxers. His boxing club, El Barrio Boxing is designed to promote discipline and structure to young people.

Thursday, May 23, 2024 10:20 PM

Sister J.C's Verbal and Instrumental Testimony


While Congressional leaders are cat fighting, showboating, and auditioning for talk shows; true Americans see the nation from a realist perspective. Sister J.C's verbal and instrumental testimony of a young spiritual patriot of our great nation.

Monday, May 13, 2024 7:52 PM

Congressional District-10 Is In Trouble by Dr. V. Issa White

Congressional District 10 in Orange County is in serious trouble. Middle-class and affluent residents are departing in waves, leaving behind a district scurrying in economic decay and instability. Recently, I visited communities in Bithlo and Bunker Hills, where hardworking Americans are living in rusting mobile homes and RV parks, hoping for intervention. The current Congressional leader's inaction and racial paternalistic politics have ignored the suffering of these communities. Until we have a representative with the heart of the people in their soul, District 10 is in grave danger of further decline.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 11:54 PM

Embrace the Day with Special Guest Congressman Canidate Dr V Issa White

Embrace the Day with Special Guest Congressman Canidate Dr V Issa White

Saturday, May 4, 2024 5:38 PM

Dr. Vibert “Issa” White Announces Candidacy for U.S. House of Representatives: Challenging the Status Quo in Florida’s District 10

Dr. Vibert “Issa” White is set to unveil his vision and present a “State of the District” address to the residents of Florida’s Congressional District 10 as he officially declares his candidacy to challenge Maxwell Frost. Dr. White asserts that Frost’s representation has been aligned with President Biden’s ineffective governance, hindering the progressive development of District 10’s constituents.

The official campaign kick-off and “Address to the Residents of District 10” will take place at 2295 South Hiawassee Road, Suite 309, Orlando, Florida 32835. The event is open to the public and scheduled for Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 9:30 AM.

To read the full article click on the following link:

Thursday, May 2, 2024 4:00 PM

Democratic challenger says Maxwell Frost more interested in fun than peace

V. Issa White spent Ramadan organizing Bilal Ibn Islamic Center feeding events for Orlando’s poorest residents. When he couldn’t convince U.S. Rep. Maxwell Frost to do the same, he challenged the Orlando Democrat on the ballot.

V. Issa White spent Ramadan organizing Bilal Ibn Islamic Center feeding events for Orlando’s poorest residents. When he couldn’t convince U.S. Rep. Maxwell Frost to do the same, he challenged the Orlando Democrat on the ballot.

The Muslim leader last week qualified to face Frost in an Aug. 20 Democratic Primary, where Wade Darius also qualified to run. White said the region needs a Congressman who puts in the hard work to help Central Florida’s most marginalized.

“I’ve been to over 100 countries,” White said, “and within the district, now we have some of the worst poverty that I’ve ever seen.”

The Muslim leader last week qualified to face Frost in an Aug. 20 Democratic Primary, where Wade Darius also qualified to run. White said the region needs a Congressman who puts in the hard work to help Central Florida’s most marginalized.

“I’ve been to over 100 countries,” White said, “and within the district, now we have some of the worst poverty that I’ve ever seen.”

To read the full article click on the following link @

Article posted on Florida Politics by Author Jacob Ogles May 2, 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024 4:12 PM

"Pullman Porters and Redcaps of Winter Park, Florida." - Dr. V. Issa White

I lectured at the Winter Park Public Library on Sunday for my newest work, "Pullman Porters and Redcaps of Winter Park, Florida." These great men who followed the call of A. Philip Randolph and the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Union help to lay the Foundation of the modern Civil Rights Movements. Political and Civic leaders must learn, educate and disseminate useful knowledge and information. The founding fathers and writers of the American Constitution framed our political structure as a measure of intelligence where individuals through civility and informed conclusions discuss measures of high importance. Today, we seem to believe politics are auditions for celebrity status and photo opportunities. 

Friday, April 5, 2024 11:00 AM

America's Gross Negligence of the People! with Dr. V. Issa White

To see the full interview with Dr. V. Issa White by LanceScurv click on the direct link below:


Note about video: This video is a post via Facebook


Wednesday, January 24, 2024 2:48 PM


Short excerpt from full article: "In a recent altercation highlighting the ongoing challenges in balancing free speech with public events, the campaign of Dr. V Issa White, who is vying for the congressional seat in Florida’s 10th District, has claimed that he and his supporters faced discrimination by the organizers of the Orlando Martin Luther King Jr. Parade on January 13, 2024."

To read full article click on the following link:

Committee to Elect Dr. V. "Issa" White
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